Cardiovascular Health Specialists
Venous Disease
Venous Disease Treatment in Rock Hill, SC
Venous disease or chronic venous insufficiency is when the valves in the veins in your legs don’t function properly, and blood can’t get back up into your heart. Blood may flow backward or pool in your legs, causing pain, swelling, leg cramps, change in skin color and texture, and varicose veins and leg ulcers. While this is not a life-threatening condition, venous disease can be painful and even disabling. We provide venous disease treatment in Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and Lancaster.
Venous Disease
Signs of Venous Disease
Venous Disease is characterized by swollen legs or ankles, tight calves or itchy legs, pain when resting, brown discoloration around ankles and feet, and leg cramps.
Venous Disease Information
Your doctor can diagnose this condition by taking your medical history and symptoms and performing an imaging test to look at the blood flow through the veins in your legs.
There are many treatments for venous disease, including:
- Improving Blood Flow with Elevation and Compression Stockings
- Medication
- RFA Treatment to Close Affected Veins and Improve Blood Flow Through The Rest of Your Leg
- Sclerotherapy
- Surgery in Severe Cases
These symptoms are similar to other chronic conditions, so it is important to talk to a doctor to determine if it is venous disease or a more serious health condition.
Contact the Venous Disease Specialists
If venous disease affects your life, please give Carolina Cardiology Associates a call. Our team of experienced physicians will take steps to ensure your condition gets properly treated. We look forward to hearing from you.
Contact Us
Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
If you are concerned about your health or think you may have a heart problem, we can help. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule an appointment. We accept insurance from all providers.
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Carolina Cardiology Associates PA